
Windyridge Music Hall CDs & MP3s - Site Map

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Ben Albert - A Little Bit Here and There (CDR48)
Arthur Askey - Chirrup (VAR31)
At The Welsh Music Hall (CDR83)
Charles Austin - Parker P.C. (CDR50)
Nat D. Ayer - Shufflin' Along (CDR81)
A Ballad Concert (VOC1)
Wilkie Bard - She sells Seashells (CDR13)
Fred Barnes & J W Rickaby (CDR74)
Billy Bennett - The Real Guy (VAR33)
Harold Berens - Wot a Geezer (VAR87)
Mr Berliner's Music Hall (CDR47)
W H Berry - Our Beano (CDR84)
Norah Blaney & Gwen Farrar - Queen of the Oojah Isles (CDR54)
The Boers have got my Daddy (TOP5)
Betty Bolton - My Private Affair (VAR92)
Teddy Brown - The "Great" Xylophonist (VAR53)
Brox Sisters - Little Boy Blues (VAR99)
Jack Buchanan - Man about town CD (VAR96)
Douglas Byng - One of the Queens of England (VAR6)
Elsie Carlisle - Body and Soul (VAR106)
Elsie Carlisle - Smoke gets in Your Eyes (VAR107)
Chairman's Choice (CDR22)
Harry Champion - Cockney Bill of London Town (CDR3)
Harry Champion - Down came the Blind (CDR27)
Harry Champion - Funny Little Bob Tailed Coat (CDR56)
Jack Charman - The Matrimonial Handicap (CDR77)
Jovial Christmas (CDR20)
Jolly Old Christmas (VAR51)
The Church that Moved (TOP3)
Clapham & Dwyer - The Wireless Nuisances (VAR37)
Tom Clare - The Fine Old English Gentleman (CDR30)
Cockney Capers (VAR100)
Bobbie Comber - The Return of Barnacle Bill (VAR3)
Mabel Constanduros - The Buggins Family (VAR46)
Margaret Cooper - Dingle Dongle Dell (CDR60)
Leon Cortez - Knees Up Mother Brown (VAR75)
Costers and Cockneys - Albert Chevalier, Kate Carney,etc. (CDR15)
Billy Cotton - Mr. Show Business (VAR69)
Cicely Courtneidge - Laughing Gas (VAR28)
George Crowther - Father Was a Young Man Then (VAR105)
Whit Cunliffe - Tight Skirts have got to go (CDR21)
The Death of Nelson (TOP1)
Dorrie Dene - The Indescribable (VAR67)
Florence Desmond - Hollywood Party (VAR66)
Betty Driver - Twitterpated (VAR64)
The Duncan Sisters - Topsy and Eva (VAR101)
Gus Elen - The Coster Comedian (CDR2)
G.H. Elliott - Plain Chocolate (VAR2)
G.H. Elliott - 50 Years A Star (VAR73)
George Erick - When You're Smiling (VAR86)
Will Evans - Building a Chicken House (CDR43)
Betty Fields - The Same to You Upholstered (VAR84)
Gracie Fields - A Hotpot Party (VAR17)
Gracie Fields - Live (VAR94)
Flanagan and Allen - Nice People (VAR102)
Cyril Fletcher - Odd Odes (VAR43)
Florrie Forde - Join in the Chorus (CDR5)
Florrie Forde - The Crackling on the Pork (CDR62)
Florrie Forde - Forty Fousand Frushes (VAR18)
Flotsam and Jetsam - Sing a Song of England (VAR10)
Flotsam and Jetsam - Two Different Men (VAR93)
George Formby Jnr. - It's Turned Out Nice Again (VAR54)
George Formby Snr. - Standing at the Corner of the Street (CDR8)
George Formby Snr. - The Man from Lancashire No.1 (CDR79)
George Formby Snr. - The Man from Lancashire No.2 (CDR80)
Tom Foy - Donkey and Me (CDR59)
Harry Fragson - Ladies Beware (CDR71)
Ronald Frankau - Upper Class Love (VAR4)
From the Footlights - Morny Cash, Tom Wootwell, etc. (CDR32)
Will Fyffe - I belong to Glasgow (VAR7)
Gaslight Music Hall (VAR77)
Gertie Gitana - Sweet Nellie Dean (CDR23)
Harry Gordon - The Laird o'Inversnecky (VAR20)
Gramophone Music Hall (CDR61)
Grock - King of Clowns (VAR71)
Hail Variety (VAR55)
Henry Hall - Animal Crackers (VAR72)
Tommy Handley - It's That Man Again (VAR32)
Ernest Hastings - The Seaside Posters (CDR72)
Elton Hayes - He sings to Small Guitar (VAR90)
John Henry - Hello Everybody (VAR59)
Hedges Bros and Jacobson - If I had the Lamp of Aladdin (CDR78)
Leonard Henry - I Can't Wed A Woman Like That (VAR52)
Hebrew Humour (VAR35)
Dick Henderson - Pal of My Cradle Days (CDR55)
Hutch - The London I Love (VAR41)
Charlie Higgins - All Poshed Up (VAR34)
Hamilton Hill - When The Boys Go Marching By (CDR44)
Stanley Holloway - Young Albert and Old Sam (VAR27)
Stanley Holloway - Petticoat Lane (VAR68)
Leslie Holmes - No Funny Business (VAR74)
Jenny Howard - Queen of Hearts (VAR45)
Bobby Howes (VAR113)
Jack Hulbert - The Flies Crawled Up The Window (VAR95)
Infinite Variety (VAR50)
It Pays To Advertise (TOP8)
It's Electric (VAR26)
Elsie Janis and Ethel Levey - Two Americans in London (CDR57)
Ada Jones - The Only Star That Twinkles On Broadway (CDR73)
Ladies in the Limelight (CDR58)
Elsa Lanchester (VAR63)
Lupino Lane (VAR39)
George Lashwood - What a Don! (CDR10)
Jen Latona - Rickety Stairs (CDR68)
Harry Lauder - Foo' th' Noo (CDR11)
Jay Laurier - Let's have a Jolly Good Cry (CDR39)
Ben Lawes - Because I look a Fool (CDR42)
Dan Leno - Recorded 1901 -1903 (CDR1)
Frank Leo - We Are All Equal In The Sea (CDR52)
Alfred Lester - The Scene Shifter's Lament (CDR49)
Beatrice Lillie - Oh! For a Night in the Ballroom (VAR44)
Marie Lloyd - Wink the other Eye (CDR6)
Norman Long - My Little Austin Seven (VAR21)
Violet Loraine - The Only Girl in the World (CDR64)
Mario "Harp" Lorenzi - The King of Harpists" (VAR76)
Jack Lorimer - The Hielan' Laddie (CDR51)
Stanley Lupino - Happy (VAR78)
Bob Mallin - Blazing The Trail (VAR82)
Kitty Masters - Little Man You've had a Busy Day (VAR108)
Billy Mayerl & Gwen Farrar - Masculine Women Feminine Men (VAR61)
Clarice Mayne - Give Me A Little Cosy Corner (CDR75)
Ernie Mayne - Fried Fruit Fritters (CDR25)
Sam Mayo - I'm going to sing a song (CDR33)
Melodies of the Music Hall (CDR38)
Felix Mendelssohn and His Hawaiian Serenaders - Hawaiian Love (VAR110)
Billy Merson - The Spaniard That Blighted my Life (CDR24)
Max Miller - Confessions of a Cheeky Chappie (VAR5)
Max Miller - Max at the Met (VAR42)
Max Miller - That's Nice, Maxie (VAR60)
Max Miller - The Cheekie Chappie (VAR65)
Max Miller - The Girls I Like (VAR79)
Jock Mills - Parading in Our Tartan (CDR66)
Billy Milton - You're Driving Me Crazy (VAR104)
Minstrels - Songs of the Old Plantation (CDR35)
Victoria Monks - I wish I had a pal like you (CDR36)
Lily Morris - Why am I always the Bridesmaid? (CDR18)
Murder and Mayhem (VAR12)
Music Hall Medleys (CDR14)
Music Hall Tit-Bits (CDR63)
A Music Hall Sampler (CDR37)
Old Time Music Hall (VAR56)
Olly Oakley - Banjo Burlesque & Bolero (CDR46)
Jimmy O'Dea - Mrs Mulligan, The Pride of The Coombe (VAR114)
Tessie O'Shea - It all belongs to me (VAR36)
Palace of Varieties (VAR58)
Bob and Alf Pearson - My Brother and I (VAR89)
Jack Pleasants - I'm Shy Mary Ellen, I'm Shy (CDR29)
Gillie Potter - Heard at Hogsnorton (VAR15)
Sandy Powell- The Lost Policeman (VAR40)
Ella Retford - My Girl Up North (CDR28)
Ridgeway's Late Joys (VAR81)
George Robey - The Prime Minister of Mirth (CDR17)
Phyllis Robins - The Girl With The Dreamy Eyes (VAR112)
The Roosters (VAR70)
Harry Roy (VAR97)
Royal Command Performance 1912 (CDR53)
Clarkson Rose - Ever So Goosey (VAR25)
Leslie Sarony - Wheezy Anna (VAR11)
Leslie Sarony - Grandpa Liked It (VAR38)
Leslie Sarony - The Old Sow (VAR62)
Leslie Sarony & Leslie Holmes - The Two Leslies (VAR22)
Primo Scala and His Accordeon Band - Waltz Me Around Again (VAR80)
Ernest Shand - Daily Mirror Front Page (CDR45)
Mark Sheridan - One of the B'Hoys (CDR7)
Ella Shields - Burlington Bertie from Bow (CDR12)
Siffleurs' Souffle (CDR76)
Gipsy Smith - The Singing Evangelist (TOP6)
Steffani and His Silver Songsters (VAR88)
Randolph Sutton - Good 'Eavens Mrs. Evans (VAR1)
Randolph Sutton - On Mother Kelly's Doorstep (VAR48)
Harry Tate - Motoring (CDR41)
Daisy Taylor - Popsy Wopsy (CDR65)
Teasing Tongue Twisters (CDR86)
There Will Always Be An England (VAR98)
The Three Rascals - Ragtime Melodies (CDR67)
Little Tich - In Other People's Shoes (CDR9)
Vesta Tilley - The London Idol (CDR70)
Titanic Tunes & Tales (TOP4)
Harry Torrani - The Roaming Yodeller (VAR47)
Tommy Trinder - You Lucky People! (VAR109)
The Trix Sisters - I'm Crazy Over You (VAR83)
Trosie and His Madoliers - Nights of Gladness (VAR91)
The Two Bobs - Paddy McGinty's Goat (CDR34)
Two's Company - Variety Double Acts (VAR23)
Variety - Live (CDR14)
George Van Dusen (VAR30)
Zona Vevey - I Recall the Days (CDR26)
Vesta Victoria - Waiting at the Church (CDR69)
Votes Fro Women (TOP7)
Nellie Wallace and Maidie Scott - Mother's Advice (CDR16)
Jack Warner - The Old Blue Pencil (VAR13)
Elsie and Doris Waters - Just Gert and Daisy (VAR19)
Elsie and Doris Waters - More Gert and Daisy (VAR111)
Harry Weldon - The White Hope (CDR40)
The Western Brothers - Play the Game (VAR29)
Albert Whelan - The Whistling Boy (VAR16)
Billy Williams - Let's have a song upon the Phonograph (CDR4)
Bransby Williams - The Stage Door Keeper (CDR31)
Bertha Willmott - Look Up and Laugh (VAR103)
Robb Wilton and John Tilley - I should say so! (VAR8)
Anona Winn - Please Don't Mention It (VAR57)
Tom Woottwell - Wait a Minute (CDR82)
Wish Wynne - The Servant Girl (VAR49)
Music Hall Days DVD Complete Printable Windyridge CD Listing in PDF Format
Other Information:
Listen to CDs - Short Excerpts from each CD
Music Hall Artists - Some brief information on the top artists
Technical Information - How the recordings are restored
Customers' Comments - See what other people thought of these CDs
FAQs - Most of the usual Questions answered here
Enquiries- Get in touch with Windyridge Music Hall CDs
Music Hall History - A Short History of the Music Hall
Music Hall Songs - The Rise and Fall of the Music Hall Song
Links - Other Sites which may be of Interest